September 20, 1943

Two-Thirds Mark of Goal Hit Saturday
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Third War Loan was at the two-thirds mark of the $15 billion goal on Saturday by surpassing ten billion dollars in war bonds sold. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., made the announcement yesterday as he called on Americans to focus on the remaining portion instead of what has already been achieved when he said, “I can assure you the last five billion will be the hardest.” Through Saturday, the total of bonds sold was $10,239,000,000. Morgenthau stated that business has already contributed what it will, and that the “…remainder rests squarely on the shoulders of the American people.” He went on to praise the efforts to this point, stating that achieving even the two-thirds mark “…would have seemed utterly impossible only a few months ago.”

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